
How Long For MT-2 Results?

Arguably one of the most asked questions seen time and time again. Prospective MT-2 users should be well read on the topic before melanotan peptide experimentation. Results in terms of MT-2 use varies from person to person. Some folks use melanotan peptides as they are very fair skinned and lack in quantity and affinity to alpha melanocyte stimulating hormone (a-MSH). Others utilize efficient melanotan peptide (MT-2) in order to cut back on ultraviolet radiation at the same time achieving a dark glowing tone - amplifying their already melanin savvy melanocytes.
What is a melanin savvy melanocyte? I am not sure. However a MT-2 user needs to access what superphysiological a-MSH will do to the skin. Will your skin turn brown, black, red, orange or freckle is the critical question to address.
One key is to find a credible before and after photo who matches your individual skin type. Hopefully a corresponding user log will be available. There are so many wonderful resources available today with knowledgeable users sharing their experiences there are no excuses to go into this research blind. Diligently seek the council of others before and during melanotan peptide experimentation. One should pay attention to the reasons why folks use, what advantages and disadvantages the peptides offer. Valid information is spread out in various communities since 2003ish. Many anti-aging, bodybuilding, and performance enhancement communities were first to guinea pig the products. Google Melanotan 2 before and after photos.
With so many success stories and demand so high for melanotan peptides, information and council...the current trend may be moving towards the awareness of who is NOT a good candidate. Establishing whether or not one is a candidate is extremely challenging and individual. Those with sun damaged skin (moles/freckles) are the ones who need to may particularly close attention to the negative stories out there. Not many out there seek out melanotan peptides to find themselves at a dermatologist or plastic surgeons office a year later to have a body of moles removed...leaving scars and areas even more susceptible to UV ray sensitivity.