
MT-2 Black Beard

For the blond, strawberry, ginger, auburn, etc hair types out there the MT-2 will effect facial hair growing in. Very rare that hair color will change on your head. With extensive use it can effect body hair...but again, rare. Beginning MT-2 users who are loading up, assessing their tolerances and building up their photoprotective skin via MT-2 will start to see the beard coming in darker approximately 2-3 weeks into usage. Somewhere between 20-30mg a user should be able to see a darker color.
Many enjoy this effect and grow out or sport their shadow with more frequency. One issue which users should be aware of is that they should still be paying close attention to hygiene & upkeep. With the adding emphasis on tanning and/or exercise...one shouldn't necessarily let the facial hair get out of control - even with it looking attractive. Every now and again users will report an increase in oil. You want a black beard, not black heads. Also you want to keep the pores straight and not invite unnecessary ingrown hairs. Flattering compliments about facial hair is not the norm for many Melanotan users, until they experience it!
The Barbie Effect
Melanotan 2 has been coined the barbie drug by the media etc years back as it was found to make one tan, skinny and feel on top of the world (aphrodisiac). It will indeed decrease your appetite. Some users use it for this reason as there are more and more studies on melacortins and obesity. Folks who are not interested in appetite reduction have to work on dosing at appropriate times, be aware of not over consuming when the MT-2 isnt present in the system and dose at the right mg. Some advocate smoking herb before injects to not only hedge any nausea, but to keep the appetite functioning at a high capacity. Other peptides like HGH and some of the growth hormone anti-aging secretalogues also work to increase appetite and give an edge to their skin/rejuvenation. Over eating can be factored in according to the desired lifestyle - have yet to see any user logs where anyone gets fat and tan on MT-2.